Update: Tutor on University of Copenhagen’s South Campus did not test positive for COVID-19
The tutor from rhetoric that tested positive for COVID-19 24 August is not infected with corona. An IT error had produced a false positive, but it has now been confirmed that the test was negative.

A safe and secure study start
University of Copenhagen is responsible for ensuring that social and academic events at all times comply with the authorities' guidelines in order to minimise the risk of staff and students becoming infected with coronavirus.
From the week of 31 August and until 12 October, party-like student events, such as Friday bars and student parties, are not allowed.Academic student events, such as meetings and lectures, may be held but they have to end no later than at 21:00.
Study start events during the introductory week, week 35, must end no later than 17:00, and alcohol is not allowed. South Campus is also divided into zones to ensure that everyone is able to comply with the authorities' guidelines for assemblies and social distancing.
What does the university do in case of infection?
When the university becomes aware of a case of infection, the Danish Patient Safety Authority that determines which initiatives should be taken in each individual case is contacted.
Faculty Director Kristian Boye Petersen
Phone: 20 34 79 49
Email: kbp@hum.ku.dk
Press officer Carsten Munk Hansen
Phone: 28 75 80 23
Email: carstenhansen@hum.ku.dk
Faculty Director Kristian Boye Petersen
Phone: 20 34 79 49
Email: kbp@hum.ku.dk
Press officer Carsten Munk Hansen
Phone: 28 75 80 23
Email: carstenhansen@hum.ku.dk