Moving Borders - European border transformations in past and present

Presentation by Marie Sandberg, the Saxo Institute, followed by a plenary discussion.

The EU's response to the current European refugee crisis has primarily been to enforce its external borders using naval blockades and FRONTEX-led programs to push back migrants, even before they enter the European continent. The establishing of a controversial refugee quota system has been discussed among European leaders, and is now being implemented, however a common EU migration policy agreed upon by all EU member states has so far not been realized. Instead the individual states are enhancing controls at their inner EU borders, a tendency which has been inconceivable up until recently.

The presentation will take the current refugee crisis as a point of departure for discussing the role of borders in Europe using Polish working migration in past and present as a case in point.

The debate is in English. All are welcome. No registration.

Marie Sandberg is an Associate Professor, PhD, in Ethnology at the Saxo Institute University of Copenhagen. She is a steering group member of Centre for Advanced Migration Studies (AMIS), University of Copenhagen and editor-in-chief of Ethnologia Europaea, Journal of European Ethnology.

The event is co-organized by Centre for Modern European Studies (CEMES) / CEMES Student Forum and  Centre for Advanced Migration Studies (AMIS)