Eureco #2 - Contesting Future Integration: The Rise of Populism and Euroscepticism in Contemporary Europe

Lecture by Michael Bossetta, PhD fellow, Centre for European Politics, Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Copenhagen.


Brexit, the results of the 2014 European Parliament elections, the increasing support for extremist parties in many Member States - each of these phenomena demonstrate a popular backlash to future European integration.

Calls of ‘power to the people’ are echoing across Europe and signal a crisis of legitimacy for national and EU level political actors.

Disseminating results from his own research Michael Bossetta will in this EURECO lecture engage the following questions:

  • Why are populists and Eurosceptics gaining traction now? How are mainstream politicians responding to these threats?
  • How are digital communication technologies like social media empowering ‘the people’ to promote an anti-establishment message from below?
  • What does populism and Euroscepticism mean for the future of Europe?

About the lecture series

The EURECO Distinguished Lectures are open to the public and we invite everyone who takes an interest in European issues to sign-up for a series where some of the best scholars within the field will present and discuss their current work. 

Registration is mandatory but free of charge.