Eureco #5 - In the CJEU judges trust: A new approach in the judicial construction of Europe

Lecture by Juan Antonio Mayoral Diaz-Asensio, Centre of International Courts (iCourts), Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen.


This lecture aims to highlight the relevance of trust for the legal and judicial integration of Europe, focusing on national judges’ trust in the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU).

The lecture will emphasize how relevant trust is for an interdependent and decentralized multi-level system like the EU judicial system, where national courts are the main domestic enforcers of the jurisprudence and EU legal mandates coming from the CJEU.

The nature, causes, and potentials of judicial trust in the CJEU for the functioning of the EU judicial system will be discussed.

A new theory will be offered concerning which links national judges’ trust in the CJEU to their corporatist identification and to their beliefs about the CJEU’s ability to provide decisions that:

  1. Will offer a clear guidance on European Union law
  2. Will not undermine Member States’ legal order.

About the lecture series

The EURECO Distinguished Lectures are open to the public and we invite everyone who takes an interest in European issues to sign-up for a series where some of the best scholars within the field will present and discuss their current work. 

Registration is mandatory but free of charge.