Danish Code of Conduct for Research Integrity

The Danish Code of Conduct for Research Integrity provides the research community with a framework to promote commonly agreed principles and standards. The Code of Conduct aims to support a common understanding and common culture of research integrity in Denmark.

The Danish Code of Conduct for Research Integrity is not a legally binding document in itself. The Code will only gain full impact when researchers adhere to the document and when public and private research institutions integrate the document in their institutional framework.

The Code was drafted by a working group established in 2013 by the Ministry of Higher Education and Science and the organisation Universities Denmark. The working group comprised representatives from all eight Danish universities, the Sector Research Institutes of Denmark, the Danish Council for Independent Re-search and the Danish Council for Strategic Research. As part of the development of the Code, it was sent to public consultation and discussed at a conference in May 2014.

The link to The Danish Code of Conduct for Research and Integrity