Here you can find contact information for the employees at TEACH. You are always welcome to contact us directly. You can also write to our mailbox teach@hum.ku.dk, and we will make sure to get back to you as soon as possible.

Name Title Job responsibilities
Bøgelund, Rasmus Dam Bonnesen Special Consultant Technology in teaching and learning, online and blended learning, flipped learning, e-learning, using Absalon in teaching and learning Billede af Bøgelund, Rasmus Dam Bonnesen
Degerbøl, Stine Klein Special Consultant Billede af Degerbøl, Stine Klein
Graversen, Tine Blohm Educational Adviser Billede af Graversen, Tine Blohm
Gregersen, Andrea Fransiska Møller Special Consultant Billede af Gregersen, Andrea Fransiska Møller
Hansen, Bjarne Simmelkjær Sandgaard Educational Adviser Billede af Hansen, Bjarne Simmelkjær Sandgaard
Hjort-Madsen, Peder Team Manager Head of TEACH. Competence- and educational development Billede af Hjort-Madsen, Peder
Isager, Julie Marie Special Consultant University and high school pedagogy, learning activities, guidance, research-teaching integration, orality and dialogue Billede af Isager, Julie Marie
Nielsen, Vibeke Administrative Officer Secretary, course coordinator, registering holidays and absence, Stads, record-keeping, updating Absalon Billede af Nielsen, Vibeke
Pedersen, Annette Special Consultant Technology in teaching, online and blended learning, e-leraning, sites.ku.dk, using Absalon in teaching and leraning, digital projects Billede af Pedersen, Annette
Skov, Signe Educational Adviser Billede af Skov, Signe
Toft, Thomas Special Consultant Billede af Toft, Thomas
Ulstrup, Eva Special Consultant University teaching and learning, teaching and learning activities in and outside the classroom, feedback, thesis supervision, teaching differentia... Billede af Ulstrup, Eva
nxz183, nxz183 Educational Adviser Billede af nxz183, nxz183