Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

The teaching and learning in higher education programme is an intense and long-lasting competence-development process that qualifies to take care of university teaching at a high level. A completed course in teaching and learning in higher education programme is required for employment in Associate Professor positions. The process is primarily for assistant professors, teaching assistant professors and teaching associate professors, but in special cases, other scientific staff may participate by agreement with their head of department.

The course consists of a series of seminars, individual supervision, peer feedback, the preparation of a teaching portfolio, and an individual development project. Participants can expect to spend 200 hours on this course.

See description of the programme

The teaching and learning in higher education programme is offered every year at the Faculty of Social Sciences as an English-taught course starting in February. At the South Campus (for the Faculties of Humanities, Law, and Theology), the program is offered every year in August, alternating between Danish and English.

Project presentations

All participants in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education undertake a development project where they investigate or develop a specific area of university pedagogy. The projects cover topics such as AI in teaching, group work, blended learning, course planning, evaluation, peer feedback, and much more.

Here you can find abstracts and watch video recordings of the project presentations of 2023 and 2024.
