Credit transfer students

If you are currently enrolled in a full degree programme in Denmark, you can apply to take single elective courses at the Faculty of Humanities.

You are eligible to apply as a credit transfer student if you are currently enrolled as:

  • a full degree student at one of the other faculties at the University of Copenhagen, or
  • a full degree student at another Danish university

The credits for the course(s) must be transferrable to your Danish study programme. To ensure that the credits for the course can be transferred, applicants are required to provide the University of Copenhagen with a pre-approval from their Danish educational institution. 

If you are enrolled in an educational institution outside of Denmark or if you have already graduated, you should follow the application procedures for Guest Students at the Faculty of Humanities.

The Faculty of Humanities offers a broad selection of non-Danish taught courses for credit transfer students. The courses are taught either in English or in another foreign language.

For the full overview of courses at the University of Copenhagen, please visit The University of Copenhagen – Course Catalogue.



When applying as a credit student at a faculty at UCPH, you must make sure that you meet the general admission requirements for credit students and the specific admission requirements for the courses you want to register for.

General admission requirements for credit students

If you want to register for courses at bachelor level, you must meet the admission requirements for the degree programme offering the courses. See admission requirements for the individual bachelor’s degree programmes at UCPH. Choose the degree programme offering the course and click on ‘Admission requirements and admission’. Grade requirements do not apply to credit students.

If you want to register for courses at master’s level, the only general requirement is that you have completed a bachelor’s degree programme.

Specific admission requirements for credit students

When you register for a course as a credit student, there may be course-specific admission requirements you must meet in order to register. If such course-specific requirements are specified, you will find them in the course description under 'Formal requirements'.

In addition to the formal requirements, it is important that you check the course description for any academic expectations that may be specified in order for you to actively participate in and complete the course. If such academic expectations are specified, you will find them under ‘Recommended academic qualifications’.

If the course description does not have sections titled 'Formal requirements' or 'Recommended academic qualifications', it means that no particular requirements are specified for the course.

You can find course descriptions in the course catalogue.


To apply for courses as a credit student, fill out and submit one of the two forms below. The first form is for if you are currently an active UCPH student, and the second form is for if you are a student at another Danish university.

Please submit one form per faculty to which you wish to apply, so if you only wish to apply for courses at HUM, you only need to submit one form.





In order to be registered as a credit student at UCPH, you need to have a pre-approval document from your current home programme. The pre-approval is a confirmation that the courses for which you are applying will be able to be transferred as credit to the primary programme you are studying.

Students from UCPH

You do not need to send your pre-approval to us. We will check with your home faculty whether they have pre-approved the course you are applying for.

Students from other universities

If you do not have enough time to receive the pre-approval before the application deadline, you may submit it after the deadline. Please use the form below to submit your pre-approval document after the deadline.

If you have questions about your pre-approval, contact the student guidance service at your home programme



To be enrolled as a credit student, the course(s) you want to register for must have vacant places.

Some courses have a limited number of places, while others offer a better chance of getting a place.

As a credit student, you will be allocated any available place after the allocation of places to the course’s primary target group.

When you apply for a course with vacant places at Humanities, the places for credit students will be allocated by lot if the number of applicants exceeds the number of vacancies. This means that the time of application has no impact on your chances of getting a place on the course.


Please send your application form and pre-approval to:

Find contact information for study guidance here.