Summer schools

The University of Copenhagen's International Summer Programme offers a wide range of courses to both international and Danish students and professionals.

The International Summer Programme at the Faculty of Humanities combines academic, practical and cultural approaches to learning. Students can expect to engage in lectures, group work, field trips and seminars both on and off campus.

Application deadlines

First round applications:       1 April 
Second round applications:  1 June (after availability, and only for students enrolled at the Faculty of Humanities/UCPH)








The Faculty of Humanities is offering the following summer school courses in Summer 2025 as part of the UCPH International Summer Programme.

  • Ways of Living: Danish Architecture & Urban Design (Copenhagen’s Walking Classroom, Summer 2025)
    Level: Bachelor   
    Credits: 7.5 ECTS


    We are hosting this courses two times this summer:
    Course 1: 16 June 2025 to 25 June 2025 (incl. weekend), exam submission 1 July 2025.
    Course 2: 1 August 2025 to 10 August 2025 (incl. weekend), exam submission 15 August 2025.

    In this two-week intensive summer course, the city of Copenhagen will be our primary classroom, with walking-lectures, sidewalk-seminars, independent field studies, and collegial debates being unfolded across a diversity of places within the metropolis. First-hand experiences, place-based interpretative discourses, on-site analyses, and critical readings will be entwined to support grounded ways of questioning and understanding the historical and contemporary Danish architecture and urban design cases at-hand. ‘Ways of living’, in this course, encompasses and addresses a diversity of human and nonhuman relationalities, and acknowledges that architecture and urban design are never stand-alone but are always parts of something both bigger and smaller than themselves. 

  • Copenhagen Past & Present w/ Danish Language
    Level: Bachelor    
    Credits: 7.5 ECTS

    Dates: TBA
    This course offers all international students at the University of Copenhagen an exciting and comprehensive introduction to the history of Copenhagen and to the Danish language. Over the course of three weeks, students will learn about the city’s history from its foundation in the early Middle Ages, when Copenhagen was just a fishing village, and through a millennium of history up to modern Copenhagen, often ranked as one of the best cities in the world when measured by quality of life. As well as covering the rich history of Copenhagen, the course also includes a number of lessons in Danish for beginners, where you will be introduced to the basics of the Danish language including conversation, grammar and pronunciation.

  • Gender and Sexuality: Pasts, Presents, Futures
    Level: Bachelor
    Credits: 7.5 ECTS

    Dates: 4 August 2025 – 13 August 2025 (10 days including weekend)
    This course explores issues of gender and sexuality in the contemporary world with a special emphasis on LGBTQI+ issues, and asks: How has history formed the present that we find ourselves in, and how do we form the present that will become a future? We will explore this through reading, discussing, exploring the city, and visiting activist organizations in Copenhagen, as well as have international experts teaching us.

    Please note: The course partly overlaps with the curriculum for Danish Culture Course, Gender and Sexuality, which runs both the Spring and the Fall term of 2025.

  • Dancing city: Copenhagen in and out of the classroom
    Level: Bachelor And Master
    Credits: 7.5 ECTS
    Dates: 30 June 2025 – 4 July 2025 (5 days on campus or in excursions and 2 days online ahead and after)
    This two-week, intensive, summer course welcomes students from a diversity of artistic and academic backgrounds, who have deep interests in dance and dance studies. Based on dancing taking place in Copenhagen in July 2025, the course is structured as a mixture of participant-observation of social dance (e.g. Danish Folkdance, Line dance, Salsa or Argentine Tango), audience experiences of theatrical dance at different venues (e.g. Royal Danish Ballet or Dansehallerne) as well as lectures and seminars at the University campus. 
  • Textiles and dress in ancient times. Exploring sources, theories, methods and hands-on approaches
    Level: Master
    Credits: 7.5 ECTS
    Dates: 30 June 2025 – 4 July 2025 (5 days on campus or in excursions and 2 days online ahead and after)
    This summer course offers a deep dive into cloth cultures of the ancient world, taking the Aegean and the Nile Valley as its main case studies. Students will discover and learn how to use different sources, methods, and theories to document and interpret ancient textiles and dress. From material approaches to critical discussions, the course will demonstrate how textiles and fashion were deeply embed in the fabric of ancient societies.

  • Traditional balladry in the North Atlantic Region
    Level: Master
    Credits: 7.5 ECTS
    Dates: 16-27 June
    In this two-week intensive summer course we will compare traditional balladry in the Nordic and Celtic regions of the North Atlantic, examining the composition, performance and preservation of ballads in five subregions. The student will learn about the history of balladry for each region, including the origin, transmission (both oral and written) and later collection and preservation of ballads. Other aspects include how ballads are performed (for example, together with a chain-dance) and the modern reception of ballads as part of the national or regional literary canon.
  • Scandinavian Manuscript Studies
    Level: Master
    Credits: 7.5 ECTS
    Dates: 11 - 20 August 2025
    The summer school in Scandinavian Manuscript Studies is a collaboration between the Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics at the University of Copenhagen, the Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies at the University of Iceland and the National and University Library of Iceland. It affords students a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience working with manuscripts under the guidance of researchers from these three institutions. 










The tuition fee is calculated according to academic area, credits (ECTS points) and citizenship.

Applicant status

Tuition fees

for 7.5 ECTS 

Tuition fees

for 15 ECTS

EU/EEA/Swiss applicants DKK 3,750 DKK 7,500
Non-EU/EEA/Swiss applicants DKK 9,375 DKK 18,750
Non-EU/EEA/Switzerland applicants with a permanent Danish residence permit * DKK 3,750 DKK 7,500
Students nominated as exchange student through the home university's exchange agreement with the University of Copenhagen No tuition fees
(subject to availability, contact your home university)
No tuition fees 
(subject to availability, contact your home university)
Students enrolled at the University of Copenhagen or other Danish universities No tuition fee
(requires a pre-approval from your home university)
No tuition fee 
(requires a pre-approval from your home university)
Danish applicants not enrolled at a university  DKK 3,750 DKK 7,500

*or with a temporary residence permit with a view to permanent residency in Denmark.

The tuition fee covers one-time participation in classes and lectures as well as three examination attempts (one ordinary examination and two resits). The tuition fee does not cover travel, accommodation and living expenses during the course.

Payment details will be forwarded upon acceptance.  

Payment terms
UCPH Faculty of Humanities accepts international bank transfers for payment of tuition fees. The University accepts bank transfers only, preferably in Danish kroner (DKK) or euros (EUR).

Payment is binding. It is not possible to switch courses after payment has been credited to UCPH Finance.

The payment deadline is fourteen days after the invoice and offer of admission is sent. If payment is not received by the deadline stipulated in the admission letter, the University can rescind the offer of admission and offer the admission place to another applicant.

Refund and cancellation policy
Applicants can formally request to cancel their enrolment and receive a refund of the tuition fees up to two months prior to the beginning of the course.

Requests for cancellation and reimbursement are formally submitted via e-mail to International Admissions.